Fishermead Boulevard, Milton Keynes,
Buckinghamshire, MK6 2LB

01908 257810

Jubilee Wood Primary School

Caring, Developing and Learning Together


OFSTED described us as a 'Good school with Outstanding Personal Development'.  They found that, "Pupils’ personal development is first class" and described our children as "Caring, principled and open-minded."

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to the Jubilee Wood Primary School website!  I am very pleased that you have taken the time to find out about us and hope that you can find what you are looking for. 

Jubilee Wood is a thriving, happy and successful primary school located in the heart of Milton Keynes - we are part of the very successful 'Grand Union Partnership', a multi-academy trust.  Our school has many advantages that make our setting so special: the staff are exceptionally motivated and talented; the children are enthusiastic and charming; parents get behind the school so that partnership working is excellent; the curriculum is very exciting and engaging; and the premises and facilities are fantastic, making both learning and working here a pleasure for everyone!  

The local community in Fishermead is wonderfully diverse and, as our motto goes, we care, develop and learn together as one so that our ethos and values nurture every single child. Our community supports us brilliantly - in the 2024 parent survey completed by 155 of our parents, 96% of them said they would 'recommend the school to another parent' and 97% said their child 'is happy at this school'.

Over a 3-year period, standards at Jubilee Wood in the Y1 Phonics Screening, Y4 Multiplication Tables Check, and Y6 SATs match and sometimes go beyond the Milton Keynes and national average. Our engaging curriculum and high expectations are ensuring that everyone achieves their full potential, with no-one left behind.  Our pupil attendance levels are very high at Jubilee Wood, much better than the national average, so we know that our children really enjoy coming to our school.

If you would like to see why Ofsted rated us so highly, you might like to take a tour of Jubilee Wood - do please get in touch so that we can show you what the learning environment here has to offer. Alternatively, you might want to view the videos on this page to take a virtual tour of our school or our excellent nursery.

Thank you very much for visiting our website.

Matt O'Brien, Headteacher

Standards at Jubilee Wood are Higher than the Milton Keynes Average

Over a 3-year period in Y6 SATs, the % of children gaining the 'Expected Standard' in Reading, Writing and Maths has been broadly  in-line with the national average and matched the Milton Keynes average. Each year, large numbers of children also gain the higher 'Greater Depth' award in Y6 SATs as well - we have many very able children at our school. Meanwhile at the younger end of the school, more children pass the Y1 Phonics Screening Test at Jubilee Wood than is typical nationally, while our Y4 children do better than is typical nationally in the Multiplication Tables Check..

Our curriculum and high expectations are ensuring that children work to high standards at Jubilee Wood and we fully expect this to continue into 2024!

School Prospectus

Virtual Tours of Jubilee Wood

Join us on a virtual tour of our school and see how we care for each other, develop and learn. Travel with us from our youngest classes in the Early Years Foundation Stage, all the way through to our oldest in Year 6.  Click the arrow on the videos below to see for yourself what a wonderful environment Jubilee Wood has to offer.

Latest School Events

Y6 Rugby league12Feb2025

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Author visit Joshua Seigal13Feb2025

Spring Half Term17Feb2025

Inset Day24Feb2025

Y2 Tower of London trip28Feb2025

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