Fishermead Boulevard, Milton Keynes,
Buckinghamshire, MK6 2LB

01908 257810

Jubilee Wood Primary School

Caring, Developing and Learning Together


Before School Provision at Jubilee Wood 


Breakfast Club

The service runs from 7.35am until 8.40am, with the last drop off without food provision at 8.10am.

Bookings must be made in advance of attendance. Bookings are made via ParentMail. Go to ‘accounts’ select ‘breakfast club’ and choose what day/s are required. Bookings remain open for a half-term at a time meaning you can book as many sessions as required.

Booking closes 2 days before the day is due, e.g. Monday and Tuesday may show as unavailable, but from Wednesday onwards it will show as bookable - this allows registers to be passed to the staff in order to take a register.

Children in Nursery are not eligible to attend breakfast club.

Each session is charged at £2 when booked online. Should your child attend due to non-booking or emergency, the cost is £2.50, which should be paid to the school office on the morning of drop off.



Besides the many after-school clubs we run from 3.30 to 4.30pm each day, we do not currently have after-school 'care' provision.  Many of our parents use local child-minders for this purpose.