Fishermead Boulevard, Milton Keynes,
Buckinghamshire, MK6 2LB

01908 257810

Jubilee Wood Primary School

Caring, Developing and Learning Together

Parent Mail

We use Parent Mail to communicate with you electronically. It is very unusual for us to send out paper letters and newsletters although these can be requested from the school office. We use Parent Mail because it is easy for you get the essential information you need straight to your mobile phone, tablet or PC! Paper letters will never get lost again in the bottom of a school bag!


Use Parent Mail to order school meals, pay for meals or school trips etc and even let us know if your child is sick. It is easy to set up an account with Parent Mail- you give us your mobile number and e mail and we will set up the link and get you connected!

Parent Mail is used for official school communication. To go to the log on page just the logo below.

We use Marvellous Me for teachers to contact you with quick messages and reminders. Marvellous Me also allows the teacher to send well done badges for your child straight to the phones of friends and family so everyone can say well done together! Marvellous Me is a free app on your phone- once again to get involved please ask at the school office!