School performance
2022 Key Stage 2 Y6 SATs Results
As a result of the new curriculum we have at Jubilee Wood, and the much increased expectations that support it, our children are now achieving at least in-line with the Milton Keynes and national averages and very often much better than both. We fully expect the higher standards we are now seeing at Jubilee Wood to continue for years to come. The summer 2022 Y6 SATs results are as follows:
Jubilee wood's last DfE Published results from 2019 - please note that these results are now well over 3 years old, and before our highly successful new curriculum was launched at jubilee wood
KS2 Y6 Results - 2019
51% of Y6 were working at the expected standard in reading; 12% were GDS. The APS was 99.9. The progress measure was -3.26.
61% of Y6 were working at the expected standard in writing; 7% were GDS. The progress measure was -1.98.
56% of Y6 were working at the expected standard in GPS; 15% were GDS. The APS was 101.2.
57% of Y6 were working at the expected standard in maths; 5% were GDS. The APS was 99.9. The progress measure was -3.87.
41% of Y6 were EXS combined for all 3 core subjects.
2% of Y6 were GDS combined for all 3 core subjects.
Useful link: school and college performance tables service